当初On the way to a smailの英語版について語ったのですが、諸事情により本編に変更しました(2018/5/3)
Hey Tifa...I...There are a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about.
But now that we're together like this, I don't know what I really wanted to say...
でも、今こうして二人でいると、本当は何を話したかったのか... I guess nothing's changed at all...Kind of makes you want to laugh... 全く何も変わってないみたいだ...ティファは笑うかもしれないけど...
Cloud...Words are'nt the only thing that tell people what you're thinking...
...I was devastated....I wanted to be noticed.
I tought it I got stronger I could get someone to notice...
Who...?...You know who! ...You, that's who.